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Fun, functional, and stylish, shop our impressive selection of beautiful area rugs today.

karastan-rug | Location Carpet And Flooring
The Best Area Rugs
In Wickliffe, OH.

Area rugs can change the feel of a space in minutes—allowing you to complete a full room makeover without breaking a sweat. Rugs look great layered over carpet or adding warmth and color to hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and tile.

Choosing an area rug

An area rug can brighten any room in the house, adding immediate color and style. When you shop, you’ll find many shapes and sizes, patterns, and prices. When it comes to selecting an area rug, we can help. 

area-rug | Location Carpet And Flooring
Karastan-Expressions-Solstice | Location Carpet And Flooring
karastan-meraki-rugs | Location Carpet And Flooring
AREA RUG | Location Carpet And Flooring

Area rug care & maintenance

Taking care of your area rug is a simple task. Just vacuum regularly, blot spills, and clean occasionally and you'll ensure that your area rug looks great for years to come.